Electrification & Connectivity Strategies For Mazda Vehicles

Mazda has announced Electrification and Connectivity strategies based on the company's long-term vision for technology development, "Sustainable Zoom-Zoom 2030". This Mazda mission to preserve the beauty of the earth and enrich society and individual lives, seeks solutions in the areas of people, society and the earth.

Under the Electrification Technologies, Mazda will strive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and enhance the joy of driving by deploying compact, lightweight electrification technologies while further refining the internal combustion engine, forecast to be equipped in the majority of new cars for many years to come. The company will introduce electric vehicles as the optimal solution in regions that generate a high ratio of electricity from clean energy sources or restrict certain vehicle types to reduce air pollution.

"- With a view to achieving a 90% reduction versus 2010 levels in its corporate average "well-to-wheel" carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, Mazda will deploy some form of electrification in all production vehicles by 2030. - By 2030, Mazda expects that internal combustion engines combined with some form of electrification will account for 95% of the vehicles it produces and battery electric vehicles will account for 5% .

- In-house development of electric vehicles will leverage the advantages of electric drive systems. Guided by Mazda's unique human-centered development philosophy, the focus will be on human traits and sensibilities. - Mazda will develop two battery electric vehicles. One powered solely by battery and another that pairs a battery with a newly developed range extender powered by Mazda's small, lightweight and exceptionally quiet rotary engine. The range extender will recharge the battery when necessary, effectively increasing the vehicle's driving range. - The concept behind the rotary-powered range extender was to leverage the rotary engine's small size and high power output to make multiple electrification technology solutions possible via a shared packaging layout.